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Progressive Stamping Manufacturing Auto Parts

Progressive stamping is an efficient method of manufacturing auto parts like engine exhaust systems, and automotive structural parts, which gradually processes a single sheet of metal into a final part through a series of processes. Using progressive stamping to manufacture auto parts has the following advantages:
1. Efficient production: progressive stamping can complete multiple processes at one time, thereby greatly improving production efficiency. Compared with the traditional single stamping process, progressive stamping can produce more parts at the same time.
2. High consistency: Since progressive stamping is an automated processing method, each part will be processed in the same process, so the parts produced by it have a high degree of consistency, which can reduce the error rate in production.
3. High material utilization rate: progressive stamping can maximize the use of raw materials by adjusting process parameters and the size of the metal plate, thereby reducing waste.
4. Manufacture of parts with complex shapes: progressive stamping can produce various parts with complex shapes through multiple stamping and bending processes, such as car doors, roofs, etc. These parts are difficult to use traditional single stamping processing manufacture.